Small studio of designers and developers

Technology alone is not enough to succeed, every product needs a team of passionate people who will give it their best.

How we work

We work with companies in every step of the process to help identify and solve problems. We build high-quality apps, and then deploy them. We use emerging and effective technologies and methods on both internal and client projects.

Here's a short intro to our company.

Razrfly works with in cooperation with companies in every step of the process to help identify and solve problems. We build high-quality apps, and then deploy them. We use emerging and effective technologies and methods on both internal and client projects. We believe there is always a better way to do our work, and take initiative to improve ourselves, the company, and our community.

We can solve these problems. Razrfly is not your average internet agency or outsourcing company; we are the technology partner of our customers. We offer a hybrid model in which we combine best-of-both-worlds: your own remote team - managed by us.

Ideas that turned into reality

Our internal solutions for problems we've come across. Now you can use them to tackle challenges in your own business.

Our Team

Ola P.
Office Assistant
Gosia R.
Holden T.
Holly B.
Sandra K.
Stacy N.
Liza S.
Max S.

“We must realize that modern civilization is thoroughly oriented towards dehumanizing humanity in every possible way; this is to say, we are fast turning into robots or statues with no human souls. Our task is to get humanized once more.”

D. T. Suzuki

“The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads.”

Jeff Hammerbacher @ Facebook

“Only drug dealers and software companies call their customers 'users'”

Edward Tufte

How Razrfly Works

Positive outcomes for hundreds of web and mobile projects like yours

What we do

We work on cool thought-provoking projects focused primarily on early-stage startups that don't infantilize humans or turn them into mindless robots. Our staff also enjoy working here, they like each other and they own most of the projects which they collaborate on.

What does success look like for your project?